package {
    import flash.display.*;
    import flash.geom.Point;
    import flash.text.*;
    import flash.utils.*;
    import net.reclipse.handwriting.*;
     * Angle and stroke recognition to be used in handwriting recognition.
     * @author Kyle Murray
     * @version 0.6.7
    public class Recognizer extends Sprite {
        private var mousePos:InkPoint = new InkPoint();
        private var previousMousePos:InkPoint = new InkPoint();
        private var currentAngle:Number = 0;
        private var previousAngle:Number = 0;
        private var mouseDown:Boolean = false;
        private var line:Shape = new Shape();
        private var jitterAllowance:Number = 5;
        private var angleSensitivity:Number = 50;
        private var inkPath:InkTimeline = new InkTimeline();
        private var toggle:Boolean = false;
        private var lastColor:Number = 0;
        private var childCount:Number = 0;
        private var unimportantChildStart:Number = 0;
        private var segmentConsistency:Number = 4;
        private var straightLineAngleAllowance:Number = 40;
        private var intersectLeniency:Number = 5;
        private var strokes:Array = new Array(new InkTimeline(new Array(new InkPoint(0,0,0,0), new InkPoint(0,0,0,0))));
        private var definitionStrokes:Array = new Array(new InkTimeline(new Array(new InkPoint(0,0,0,0), new InkPoint(0,0,0,0))));
        private var hasDrawn:Boolean = false;
        private var recogMode:Boolean = true;
        private var definedCharacters:Object = new Object();
        public var modeText:TextField = new TextField();
        public var descText:TextField = new TextField();
        public var charText:TextField = new TextField();
        public var defButton:TextField = new TextField();
        public var recogButton:TextField = new TextField();
        public var recogText:TextField = new TextField();
        public var format:TextFormat = new TextFormat();
         * Constructor.  This is intended to be the main document class.
        public function Recognizer() {
            stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.NO_SCALE;
            stage.align = StageAlign.TOP_LEFT;
            stage.frameRate = 60;
            stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, onMouseMove);
            stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, onMouseDown);
            stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, onMouseUp);
            stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP, onKeyUp);
            addChildAt(line, childCount++);
            //Mode TextField
            modeText.x = 0;
            modeText.y = 0;
            modeText.width = 100;
            modeText.height = 20;
            modeText.selectable = false;
            modeText.text = recogMode ? 'Recognition Mode' : 'Definition Mode';
            modeText.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, changeRecogMode);
            addChildAt(modeText, childCount++);
            //Character Entry Description Text
            descText.x = modeText.width + modeText.x + 25;
            descText.y = 0;
            descText.width = 150;
            descText.height = 20;
            descText.selectable = false;
            descText.text = 'Character To Define: ';
            addChildAt(descText, childCount++);
            //Character Entry Field
            charText.x = descText.x + descText.width;
            charText.y = 0;
            charText.width = 25;
            charText.height = 20;
            charText.type = TextFieldType.INPUT;
            charText.text = 'a';
            charText.border = true;
            charText.maxChars = 1;
            addChildAt(charText, childCount++);
            //Definition Button TF
            defButton.x = charText.x + charText.width + 10;
            defButton.y = 0;
            defButton.width = 125;
            defButton.height = 20;
            defButton.selectable = false;
            defButton.text = 'DEFINE CHARACTER';
            defButton.background = true;
            defButton.backgroundColor = 0x4BA3FE;
            defButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, callDefineCharacter);
            addChildAt(defButton, childCount++);
            //Recog Character Button
            recogButton.x = defButton.x + defButton.width + 10;
            recogButton.y = 0;
            recogButton.width = 150;
            recogButton.height = 20;
            recogButton.selectable = false;
            recogButton.text = 'RECOGNIZE CHARACTER';
            recogButton.background = true;
            recogButton.backgroundColor = 0x4BA3FE;
            recogButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, callRecognize);
            addChildAt(recogButton, childCount++);
            //Recog Text
            recogText.x = stage.stageWidth - 150;
            recogText.y = 20;
            recogText.width = 150;
            recogText.height = 150;
            recogText.selectable = false;
            recogText.border = true;
            recogText.background = true;
            format.size = 95;
            recogText.defaultTextFormat = format;
            addChildAt(recogText, childCount++);
            //Add no children after this line
            unimportantChildStart = childCount;
         * Calls the defineCharacter from a MouseEvent.
         * @param event The MouseEvent called from a listener.
        private function callDefineCharacter(event:MouseEvent = null):void {
         * When in definition mode, this method defines a new CharacterDefinition with a key 
         * specified by the contents of the 'letter to define' TextField.  If the character is 
         * already defined, the method only adds the appropriate signature to the letter and 
         * updates the ratio.
        private function defineCharacter():void {
                if(charText.text != ''){
                        definedCharacters[charText.text].addSample(definitionStrokes[definitionStrokes.length - 1].signature, definitionStrokes[definitionStrokes.length - 1].ratioWH);
                        } else {
                        definedCharacters[charText.text] = new CharacterDefinition(charText.text, definitionStrokes[definitionStrokes.length - 1].signature, definitionStrokes[definitionStrokes.length - 1].ratioWH);
         * When in recognition mode, this method uses the recognition algorithm to attempt to
         * recognize a character based on user input.  The best guess is displayed in a large 
         * TextField to the right of the Stage.
        private function recognizeCharacter():void {
                var possibleMatches:Array = new Array();
                var matchesPriority:Array = new Array();
                for each (var character:CharacterDefinition in definedCharacters){
                    if(character.signatureCount(strokes[strokes.length - 1].signature) > 1){
                    } else if(character.signatureCount(strokes[strokes.length - 1].signature) > 0){
                    } else if(character.subSignatureCount(strokes[strokes.length - 1].signature) > 0){
                var guesses:Array = new Array();
                if(matchesPriority.indexOf(1) !== -1){
                    for(var i:int = 0; i < matchesPriority.length; i++){
                        if(matchesPriority[i] !== 1){
                    guesses = possibleMatches;
                } else if(matchesPriority.indexOf(2) !== -1){
                    for(i = 0; i < matchesPriority.length; i++){
                        if(matchesPriority[i] !== 2){
                    guesses = possibleMatches;
                } else if(matchesPriority.length !== 0){
                    guesses = possibleMatches;
                var bestGuess:String = new String();
                trace('Guesses: ' + guesses);
                var curLowest:Number
                if(guesses.length > 0){
                    curLowest = definedCharacters[guesses[0]].ratioDifference(strokes[strokes.length - 1].ratioWH);
                    var lowestIndex:int = 0;
                    for(i = 0; i < guesses.length; i++){
                        if(curLowest > definedCharacters[guesses[i]].ratioDifference(strokes[strokes.length - 1].ratioWH)){
                            lowestIndex = i;
                            curLowest = definedCharacters[guesses[i]].ratioDifference(strokes[strokes.length - 1].ratioWH)
                    trace('Guess is from Possible Matches');
                    bestGuess = definedCharacters[guesses[lowestIndex]]._name;
                } else {
                    curLowest = Infinity;
                    var lowestCharacterName:String = new String();
                    for each (character in definedCharacters){
                        if(character.ratioDifference(strokes[strokes.length - 1].ratioWH) < curLowest){
                            curLowest = character.ratioDifference(strokes[strokes.length - 1].ratioWH);
                            lowestCharacterName = character._name;
                    trace('Guess not from Possible Matches');
                    bestGuess = lowestCharacterName;                
                trace('Priorities: '+ matchesPriority);
                trace('Possible Matches: '+possibleMatches);
                trace('Best Match: '+bestGuess);
                recogText.text = bestGuess;
         * Recognizes a character when the Recognize button is pressed.
         * @param event The event from the button press.
        private function callRecognize(event:MouseEvent = null):void {
        private function onKeyUp(event:KeyboardEvent = null):void {
            //Recognizes a character.  Bound to Spacebar.
            if(event.keyCode === 32){
            //Defines a character.  Bound to 'd' key.
            if(event.keyCode === 68){
            //Outputs all of the defined characters
            if(event.keyCode === 84){
                for each(var character:CharacterDefinition in definedCharacters){
         * This method calculates the angle of the hypotenuse of a fictional right triangle 
         * generated between two points.  
         * @param previous The point that occurs prior to the most recent point.
         * @param current The most recent point being analyzed.
         * @return An angle in degrees: 0 <= Angle <= 360.
        private function calcAngle(previous:InkPoint, current:InkPoint):Number {
            var tHeight:Number = previous.y - current.y;
            var tWidth:Number = previous.x - current.x;
            var radianAngle:Number = Math.atan(tHeight/tWidth);
            var degreeAngle:Number = radianAngle * 180/Math.PI;
            if((current.x >= previous.x) && (current.y <= previous.y)){
                degreeAngle = Math.abs(degreeAngle);
            } else if((current.x <= previous.x) && (current.y <= previous.y)){
                degreeAngle = 90 + (90 - degreeAngle);
            } else if((current.x <= previous.x) && (current.y >= previous.y)){
                degreeAngle = 180 + Math.abs(degreeAngle);
            } else if((current.x >= previous.x) && (current.y >= previous.y)){
                degreeAngle = 270 + (90 - degreeAngle);
            return degreeAngle;
         * This method is used to find the difference in angle between two angles. 
         * @param previous The first angle used for calculations.
         * @param current The second angle used for calculations.  To produce usable output, 
         * this should be the angle directly after 'previous'.
         * @return A Number >= -180 and <= 180.  
        private function angleDifference(previous:Number, current:Number):Number {
            var angleDifference:Number;
            if((previous < 90) && (current > 270)){
                angleDifference =  -360 + current - previous;
            } else if((previous > 270) && (current < 90)){
                angleDifference = 360 - previous + current;
            } else {
                angleDifference = current - previous;
            return angleDifference;
         * Marks split points in a stroke where the input device made a quick direction change.
         * @param _inkPath The stroke to be analyzed.
         * @param toleranceAngle The definition of a quick direction change.  (Degree)
         * @return An Array of points that are the pivot point in a direction change.
        private function splitPoints(_inkPath:InkTimeline, toleranceAngle:Number):Array {
            var differences:Array = new Array();
            var splitPointArray:Array = [0];
            for(var i:int = 1; i < _inkPath.array.length; i++){
                if((i+1) < _inkPath.array.length){
                    differences.push(angleDifference(calcAngle(_inkPath.array[i-1], _inkPath.array[i]), calcAngle(_inkPath.array[i], _inkPath.array[i+1])));;
                    if((differences[differences.length-1] > toleranceAngle) || (differences[differences.length-1] < -toleranceAngle)){
                    } else {
            trace('splitPointArray: '+splitPointArray);
            return splitPointArray;
        //First Pass
         * Defines properties in an InkTimeline that are later used to help recognize the character.
         * @param _splitPointInkTimeline This InkTimeline should have been analyzed by the 
         * splitPoints method already to produce suitable output.
         * @param _splitPoints The Array of points to be used as segment delimiters.
        private function segmentInkTimeline(_splitPointInkTimeline:InkTimeline, _splitPoints:Array):void {
            for(var i:int = 0; i < _splitPoints.length; i++){
                if(_splitPoints[i] !== 0){
                    //Turning point is array[i]
                    trace('X of timeline: '+ _splitPointInkTimeline.array[i].x + ', X of split: '+ _splitPoints[i].x);
                    trace('Points Being Segmented X: '+_splitPointInkTimeline.array[i-1].x +' : '+ _splitPointInkTimeline.array[i].x +' : '+ _splitPointInkTimeline.array[i+1].x);
        //Second Pass
         * This method further segments the already segmented InkTimeline into segments that 
         * have an integer value representing quadrant that the segment moved to from 
         * beginning to end.
         * @param _inkPath The InkPath whose segments are going to be classified.
         * @param segmentsArray The initial segments which will be segmented further.
         * @return An InkTimeline that has been partitioned into classified segments.
        private function classifySegments(_inkPath:InkTimeline, segmentsArray:Array):InkTimeline {
            var differences:Array = new Array(segmentsArray.length);
            for(var i:int = 0; i < segmentsArray.length; i++){
                differences[i] = new Array();
            var difference:Array = new Array(segmentsArray.length);
            for(i = 0; i < difference.length; i++){
                difference[i] = new Number(0);
            var splitPartitions:Array = new Array();
            for(var k:int = 0; k < segmentsArray.length; k++){
                for(i = 1; i < segmentsArray[k].length; i++){
                    if((i+1) < segmentsArray[k].length){
                        differences[k][differences[k].length -1] = angleDifference(calcAngle(segmentsArray[k][i-1], segmentsArray[k][i]), calcAngle(segmentsArray[k][i], segmentsArray[k][i+1]));
                        difference[k] += differences[k][differences[k].length-1];
                var pointArray:Array = [0];
                for(var j:int = 1; j < segmentsArray[k].length; j++){
                    pointArray[j] = getQuad(calcAngle(segmentsArray[k][j-1], segmentsArray[k][j]));
                trace('PointArray: ' + pointArray);
                var previous:Number = 0;
                var partitions:Array = new Array();
                var firstRun:Boolean = true;
                for(j = segmentConsistency; j < pointArray.length; j++){
                    if((j % segmentConsistency) === 0 ){
                        for(var q:int = 0; q < segmentConsistency; q++){
                            partitions.push(most(pointArray.slice(previous, j)));
                            firstRun = false;
                            partitions.push(most(pointArray.slice(previous, j)));
                        previous = j;
                if(pointArray.length <= segmentConsistency){
                    for(q = 0; q < pointArray.length; q++){
                        partitions.push(pointArray[pointArray.length - 1]);
                while(pointArray.length > partitions.length){
                //normalize point array
                trace('Partitions: '+partitions);
                //split partitions
                for(j = 1; j < partitions.length; j++){
                    if(partitions[j] == partitions[j-1]){
                        splitPartitions[splitPartitions.length - 1].push(partitions[j]);
                    } else {
            trace('Partitions: '+partitions);
            trace('Total Differences: '+difference);
            _inkPath.splitPartitions = splitPartitions;
            return _inkPath;
         * Finds the most common type of point in a group.  Ties are setting by greatest 
         * point-type value.
         * @param _array An Array of points to compare.
        private function most(_array:Array):Number {
             * @TODO Make this a better function. Find a better way to settle ties.
            var list:Array = new Array(0,0,0,0);
            for(var m:int = 0; m < _array.length; m++){
                switch (_array[m]){
                    case 1:
                    list[0] += 1;
                    case 2:
                    list[1] += 1;
                    case 3:
                    list[2] += 1;
                    case 4:
                    list[3] += 1;
            var biggest:Number = 0;
            for(m = 0; m < list.length; m++){
                if(list[m] > biggest){
                    biggest = m;
            return biggest+1;
         * This method gets the quadrant that an angle would be in if drawn out from the origin. 
         * @param angle The angle (in degrees) of the angle to be classified into a quadrant.
         * @return An integer, though technically a Number, that represents the cartesian quadrant.
        private function getQuad(angle:Number):Number {
            if((angle >= 0) && (angle < 90)){
                return 1;
            } else if((angle >= 90) && (angle < 180)){
                return 2;
            } else if((angle >= 180) && (angle < 270)){
                return 3;
            } else {
                return 4;
         * Colorizes the strokes to show the segments after the first pass.  Completely optional.
         * @param _inkPath The InkTimeline to be colorized.
         * @param splitPoints The points that delimit each color.
        private function drawSplitInkTimeline(_inkPath:InkTimeline, splitPoints:Array):void {
            var splitLine:Sprite = new Sprite();
  [0].x, _inkPath.array[0].y);
            for(var i:int = 0; i < _inkPath.array.length-1; i++){
                //trace('SPI: '+splitPoints[i]);
                if(splitPoints[i] != 0){
          , nextColor());
      [i+1].x, _inkPath.array[i+1].y);
  [_inkPath.array.length-1].x, _inkPath.array[_inkPath.array.length-1].y);
            addChildAt(splitLine, childCount++);
         * Alternates the colors accessed by the drawing methods.  
         * @return A hexidecimal number representing an RGB color.  (Not ARGB)
        private function nextColor():Number {
            var colorsArray:Array = new Array(0xFF0000, 0xFF9900, 0xFF00FF, 0x00FF00, 0x0000FF, 0xFFFF00);
            var next:Number;
            if(lastColor + 1 > colorsArray.length){
                next = colorsArray[0];
                lastColor = 0;
            } else {
                next = colorsArray[lastColor++];
            return next;
         * Useful for eliminating jitter in a straight segment, though not used in recognition.
         * @param _inkPath The InkTimeline to be analyzed.
         * @return The angle (in degrees) of change in the stroke as a whole.
        private function strokeAngleDifference(_inkPath:InkTimeline):Number {
            var differences:Array = new Array();
            var difference:Number = 0;
            for(var i:int = 1; i < _inkPath.array.length; i++){
                if((i+1) < _inkPath.array.length){
                    differences.push(angleDifference(calcAngle(_inkPath.array[i-1], _inkPath.array[i]), calcAngle(_inkPath.array[i], _inkPath.array[i+1])));
                    //trace('AD: '+angleDifference(calcAngle(_inkPath.array[i-1], _inkPath.array[i]), calcAngle(_inkPath.array[i], _inkPath.array[i+1])));
            for(i = 0; i < differences.length; i++){
                difference += differences[i];
            trace('Total Difference: '+difference);
            return difference;
         * Clears all of the characters drawn.  Buttons and text are left intact.
        private function clearDisplay():void {
            for(var i:int = childCount - 1; i >= unimportantChildStart; i--){
            childCount = unimportantChildStart;
         * Switches between recognition mode and definition mode.  Recognition mode is default.
         * @param event The event that is triggered by the button press.
        private function changeRecogMode(event:MouseEvent = null):void {
            recogMode = !recogMode;
            modeText.text = recogMode ? 'Recognition Mode' : 'Definition Mode';
            strokes = new Array(new InkTimeline(new Array(new InkPoint(0,0,0,0), new InkPoint(0,0,0,0))));
            definitionStrokes = new Array(new InkTimeline(new Array(new InkPoint(0,0,0,0), new InkPoint(0,0,0,0))));
            hasDrawn = false;
         * Colorizes the latest stroke and adds a definition or signature to the collection.  
         * @param inkLatestStroke This method should only be used with the last stroke when 
         * using real-time recognition.
        private function recognizerMouseUp(inkLatestStroke:InkTimeline):void {
            drawSplitInkTimeline(inkLatestStroke, splitPoints(inkLatestStroke, angleSensitivity));
            inkLatestStroke.segment(splitPoints(inkLatestStroke, angleSensitivity));
            inkLatestStroke = classifySegments(inkLatestStroke, inkLatestStroke.segments);
            if(inkLatestStroke.intersectsWith(strokes[strokes.length - 1], intersectLeniency) || strokes[strokes.length - 1].intersectsWith(inkLatestStroke, intersectLeniency)){
                trace('The last two strokes intersect');
                inkLatestStroke = inkLatestStroke.joinWith(strokes[strokes.length - 1]);
                trace('Joined Sig: ' + inkLatestStroke.signature);
            } else if(inkLatestStroke.isDotAbove(strokes[strokes.length - 1], intersectLeniency)){
                trace('The last stroke is a dot');
                trace('Joined Sig: ' + inkLatestStroke.signature);
            } else {
                trace('No Intersection');
         * Similar in function to the recognition mode version of this method.  Doesn't colorize.
         * @param This method should only be used with the lastest stroke when using real-time 
         * recognition.
        private function definitionMouseUp(inkLatestStroke:InkTimeline):void {
            inkLatestStroke.segment(splitPoints(inkLatestStroke, angleSensitivity));
            inkLatestStroke = classifySegments(inkLatestStroke, inkLatestStroke.segments);
            if(inkLatestStroke.intersectsWith(definitionStrokes[definitionStrokes.length - 1], intersectLeniency) || definitionStrokes[definitionStrokes.length - 1].intersectsWith(inkLatestStroke, intersectLeniency)){
                trace('The last two strokes intersect');
                inkLatestStroke = inkLatestStroke.joinWith(definitionStrokes[definitionStrokes.length - 1]);
                trace('Joined Sig: ' + inkLatestStroke.signature);
            } else if(inkLatestStroke.isDotAbove(definitionStrokes[definitionStrokes.length - 1], intersectLeniency)){
                trace('The last stroke is a dot');
                trace('Joined Sig: ' + inkLatestStroke.signature);
            } else {
                trace('No Intersection');
         * Event handler that reacts to mouse motion.  This handler provides much of the base 
         * information for recognition.  It also draws the points that are being analyzed.
         * @param event The MouseEvent that calls this handler.  Not used.
        private function onMouseMove(event:MouseEvent = null):void {
            mousePos = new InkPoint(mouseX, mouseY, getTimer(), Number(mouseDown));
            if(mouseY > modeText.height){
                    toggle = true;
                    if((Math.abs(mousePos.x - previousMousePos.x) + Math.abs(mousePos.y - previousMousePos.y)) > jitterAllowance){
                        currentAngle = calcAngle(previousMousePos, mousePos);
                        trace(angleDifference(previousAngle, currentAngle));
                        //trace(calcAngle(previousMousePos, mousePos));
                        //, previousMousePos.y);
              , mouseY);
                        previousAngle = calcAngle(previousMousePos, mousePos);
                        previousMousePos = new InkPoint(mouseX, mouseY, getTimer());
         * When the mouse is down and moving, a line is drawn.  
         * @param event Not used, but passed anyway as this is a handler method.
        private function onMouseDown(event:MouseEvent = null):void {
            mouseDown = true;
            if(mouseY > modeText.height){
      , mouseY);
                inkPath.array.push(new InkPoint(mouseX, mouseY, getTimer()-1, 0));
                toggle = false;
         * Ends line drawing.  If the mouse has moved since it was depressed, a stroke 
         * will be defined.  
         * @param event Not used, but passed anyway as this is a handler method.
        private function onMouseUp(event:MouseEvent = null):void {
            mouseDown = false;
            if(mouseY > modeText.height){
                var inkLatestStroke:InkTimeline = inkPath.latestStroke;
                    hasDrawn = true;
                    } else {