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InkPoint — Class in package net.reclipse.handwriting
Lightweight class similar to flash.geom.Point that can contain pressure data.
InkPoint(x, y, timestamp, pressure) — Constructor in class net.reclipse.handwriting.InkPoint
InkTimeline — Dynamic class in package net.reclipse.handwriting
Class for handling ink points.
InkTimeline(inputArray) — Constructor in class net.reclipse.handwriting.InkTimeline
intersectsWith(_otherInk:net.reclipse.handwriting:InkTimeline, leniency) — Method in class net.reclipse.handwriting.InkTimeline
Determines whether or not two InkTimeline's bounding boxes intersect.
isDotAbove(_otherInk:net.reclipse.handwriting:InkTimeline, leniency) — Method in class net.reclipse.handwriting.InkTimeline
Determines if the latest stroke is a 'dot'-like structure above the previous stroke.
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