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segment(_splitPoints) — Method in class net.reclipse.handwriting.InkTimeline
Segments the InkTimeline into Arrays based on pivot points.
segmentClassifications — Property in class net.reclipse.handwriting.InkTimeline
segmented — Property in class net.reclipse.handwriting.InkTimeline
SEGMENT_FOUR — Constant static property in class net.reclipse.handwriting.InkTimeline
SEGMENT_ONE — Constant static property in class net.reclipse.handwriting.InkTimeline
segmentPartitions — Property in class net.reclipse.handwriting.InkTimeline
SEGMENT_POINT_ABOVE — Constant static property in class net.reclipse.handwriting.InkTimeline
segments — Property in class net.reclipse.handwriting.InkTimeline
SEGMENT_STRAIGHT — Constant static property in class net.reclipse.handwriting.InkTimeline
SEGMENT_THREE — Constant static property in class net.reclipse.handwriting.InkTimeline
SEGMENT_TWO — Constant static property in class net.reclipse.handwriting.InkTimeline
_signature — Property in class net.reclipse.handwriting.CharacterDefinition
signature — Property in class net.reclipse.handwriting.InkTimeline
signatureCount(inputSignature) — Method in class net.reclipse.handwriting.CharacterDefinition
A key componenent of recognition.
_signatures — Property in class net.reclipse.handwriting.CharacterDefinition
splitPartitions — Property in class net.reclipse.handwriting.InkTimeline
subSignatureCount(inputSignature) — Method in class net.reclipse.handwriting.CharacterDefinition
Another key component of recognition.
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